Madhya Pradesh state government is investigating claims that up to 300 girls were surgically turned into boys in one city after their parents paid about £ 2,000 each for the operations. 印度中央邦政府正对这起指控进行调查,据称在印多尔市,有最多300名女童接受了外科变性手术,而他们的父母为每例手术支付了大约两千英镑。
A recent Wall Street Journal claims that the average Japanese worker only uses 8.6 of their paid vacation days each year. 据《华尔街日报》最近报道,平均一个日本员工每年只使用8.6天带薪假期。
The premium collected by the insurer from the insured is pooled together as a fund, and the claims of those suffering losses are paid out of this fund. 由承保人从投保人处收集的保险费作为共同基金,受损方的索赔费从此基金中支付。
Gorden Brown and David Cameroon have urged MPs to respect demands for some expense claims to be paid back. 戈登布朗和大卫卡梅隆呼吁议员们尊重要他们还回一些报销款的要求。
No claims will be paid until receipt details are received by accounts payable in sydney. 位于悉尼的“应收账款”收到收据详情后,才能报销。
The equity holders of a company enjoy the residual profits after all other claims, such as interest and dividends, are paid. 在支付利息和股息等其他所有财务要求之后,一家公司的股权持有者享有剩余利润。
If the contractor claims to have all the materials, ask him where they came from and who paid for them. 如果承包商声称已全部材料,问他来自哪里,他们和谁他们支付。
In order to ensure that all legitimate claims are paid out in a fair and timely manner, the account must and will be administered by an independent third party, Mr Obama said before the meeting. 为了确保一切正当索赔请求都得到公平与及时的支付,账户必须也将由独立第三方管理,奥巴马在会谈之前表示。
When official money is used to keep a country afloat, those lucky investors whose debt claims are about to come to maturity often exit scot-free as IMF/ EU support allows them to be paid in full. 如果利用官方资金暂时维系一国的偿付能力,那些债权即将到期的幸运投资者通常能安然无恙地退出,因为imf或欧盟的支持会让他们获得全额偿付。
Without a priority, you are a general creditor and your claim will be paid, along with the claims of other general creditors, from any monies still available after priority claims are paid. 也就是说,只有当支付了优先债权人之后,您才可能在剩余资金的分配中得到赔偿。
Yesterday Elliot Morley, a former agriculture minister, was suspended from the parliamentary Labour party after reports that he filed 16,000 of expense claims for a mortgage he had already paid off. 昨天,前英国农业大臣、工党议员艾略特莫利(ElliotMorley)已被停止其在议会的工党相关职务。此前有报道称,他为已经还清的按揭贷款申报了1.6万英镑的费用。
The Reverend Haggard is now saying that he did have contacted with a male prostitute who claims Haggard paid him for sex on a number of occasions. 哈格德牧师现已承认与一名男妓有接触,该名男妓表示与哈格德曾发生多次有偿性行为。
She claims to be in favour of training, but so far she's only paid lip service to the idea. 她声称赞同训练,但至今还只是停留在口头上。
Bonded contractor: Contractor who has taken out a surety Bond to cover any claims against him. The guaranteed amount for a security paid by the owner shall be equivalent to that for a performance guarantee undertaken by the contractor. 取得履约保证的承包商:指承包商已经取得履约保证以避免承担任何索赔。业主支付担保的担保金额应当与承包商履约担保的担保金额相等。